söndag 28 augusti 2011

zavoljeh te ludo, al' ljubav slijepa je sada vidim- nisi vrijedan me

Everything has an end, don't it?
You go through alot of things, but still- you hold your head high through it all. Sometimes we have such high thoughts of a person and such strong feelings towards them that you- through it all- trough everything they put you through still don't change the way you see them.
So those times when they hurt you- you turn your head the other way, blink as fast as you can and as many times you can to make the tears go away, because you don't want anyone to see the pain you hold deep inside. You don't want them to think you're weak.
And through it all you don't change your opinion. Why is that? Why should we stick around through some rough bullshit?
Bear all the hurt and pain, why- because we love them?
When everything suddenly changes it all. A single sentence, one little word.
The person you once thought you couldn't live without, someone you once loved and had so high thoughts about disproved it all.
So. Now i ask myself- Is love really blind? Or am i?
Why didn't i see things so obvious before all of this happened?
All of those questions take me back in time, to a time full of lies, betray and tears.
All i can say for now is, that you don't deserve my tears and you most certainly don't deserve me, so spare me your bullshit. I'm better off without you. And although i thought you really loved me, i clearly see you didn't and don't. Bye bye, be gone.

Kändes lättare att skriva av mig på engelska. Sorry for that. Haha.
(Och ja ingen perfekt egelska förmodligen, men stå ut)..

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